
Thai & Lao Appetizer Recipes

A Thai / Laos girl, Manivan Larprom shows you how to cook Thai & Lao food through her videos. Her authentic cuisine roots from Sakon Nakhon, Thailand and Paksan, Laos. Enjoy!

Friday, September 01, 2006

Fresh Peanuts

Raw or fresh peanuts are not common and not many Asian supermarkets carry them. Raw peanuts are smaller and taste sweeter than peanuts used for roasting. The reason is because the peanuts are harvested about two months earlier than peanuts for roasting. Fresh peanuts taste like sweet corn.

Instructions on cooking Fresh Peanuts:
Wash the peanuts in cold water and drain. Add two inches of water and one tablespoon of salt in a large pot and bring to boil. Add the peanuts and cook for 30 minutes. Remove peanuts and allow to cool before eating.


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